HomeHealthUnderstanding Traditional Chinese Medicine: Everything You Should Know

Understanding Traditional Chinese Medicine: Everything You Should Know

TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an ancient health and wellness system practised in China for thousands of years. Western medicine focuses primarily on disease treatment. But TCM considers your overall health.

Is it secure to use and effective? You can make a more informed decision to enhance your health with a basic understanding of how it is utilised.

What is the Purpose of TCM?

Unlike Western practices, TCM does not emphasise science and medicine. Instead, it relies on equilibrium, harmony, and vitality.

Qi is also referred to as life energy or vital energy. The belief is that it permeates your entire body. It is always changing and in constant motion. TCM treatments frequently emphasise methods to promote and maintain qi transmission.

Yin and Yang are contrasts that define the characteristics of qi:

  • Yin: night, chilly, feminine, unfavourable
  • Yang: day, light, pleasant, masculine

The belief is that everything has a small amount of its own opposite and that maintaining a balance is essential. For instance, a drug prescribed by your physician may cure the disease. However, it is hazardous if taken in excess.

According to TCM, these concepts manifest in the human body. When the yin and yang of Qi are balanced, you feel healthy and whole. If they are out of balance, you will feel ill. TCM seeks to establish harmony and a healthy qi flow.

What Techniques Does TCM Employ?

Under TCM, there are numerous varieties of practices. They consist of:

  • Acupuncture: The insertion of extremely fine needles into the epidermis with care.
  • Cupping: The use of heated receptacles that induce traction on the skin
  • Herbs: Beverages, granules, and capsules primarily composed of plants
  • Meditation: A method of sitting silently and calming the psyche.
  • Moxibustion: The burning of dried botanicals near the epidermis
  • Tai chi: A slow-moving exercise that emphasises the respiration.

Is it Effective?

TCM is an approach that encompasses a broad scope, and results can vary. The practices have not been examined as thoroughly as Western medicine. Herbs and acupuncture have received more research than other treatments.

However, research indicates a great deal of promise:

  • Acupuncture is widely acknowledged as a treatment for various conditions, including pain relief and reducing chemotherapy-related adverse effects.
  • Some herbs used in TCM are also used in Western medicine clinics to treat insomnia, arthritis, and menopause, among other ailments.
  • Tai chi appears to enhance equilibrium in Parkinson’s disease patients.

Is it Safe?

Experts believe it is secure if performed by a trained professional. This is particularly true regarding acupuncture, Tai Chi, cupping, and moxibustion.

Herbs can be more challenging. There is less research on them, and it can be difficult to determine precisely what they contain. In addition, botanicals may cause adverse effects or interact with other medications. Again, it is essential to consult someone who deeply understands their practice. Always consult your physician first.

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